Pre Show Party METALLICA 2013 with Blackrock and AIFA
Pre Show Party METALLICA 2013 with Blackrock and AIFA
Kereta Rock and Roll POWERSLAVES Terus Melaju, Lagu
Bayang; Dirilis Ulang dengan Judul You Got Me
Jakarta, 10 April 2021 - Kereta rock and roll POWERSLAVES belum
kehabisan bahan bakar. Terus melaju, menembus batas, ruang dan
waktu. Kali ini, Heydi Ibrahim (vokal), Anwar Fatahillah (bass), Wiwiex
Soedarno (kibor) dan Agung Yudha (drum) meluncurkan versi orisinal
lagu "Bayang". Berjudul "You Got Me", liriknya full bahasa Inggris.
“Bayang” bersemayam di album ketiga POWERSLAVES yang bertajuk
"Kereta Rock N' Roll" (1998). Menempati urutan pertama dalam album,
trek ini bukanlah versi orisinal.
Saat masih berupa demo, “Bayang” berlirik bahasa Inggris. Namun,
sesaat sebelum rekaman, lagu tersebut diubah ke bahasa Indonesia
atas permintaan label rekaman yang menaungi POWERSLAVES saat
itu, Warner Music Indonesia.
"Alasan Warner saat itu mungkin lebih ke pertimbangan market
domestik aja karena saat itu lagu yang dipromosikan adalah "Amoral".
Ketika mereka dengar versi demo "Bayang", mereka tertarik. Hanya saja
liriknya minta diganti ke bahasa Indonesia," kata Anwar Fatahillah
"”Bayang” itu lagu industri rekaman. Awalnya memang sudah "You Got
Me" karena syair awalnya memang sudah begini: 'Yeah babe you got
me..." Namun, industri rekaman biasanya mencari yang save untuk
penikmat. Karena itu, diubahlah syairnya sehingga menjadi lagu
"Bayang"," timpal Heydi Ibrahim.
Saat itu, liriknya baru dibuat untuk verse pertama dan reff saja. Meski
sisanya masih berupa bayangan, namun makna lagunya sudah
menempel di kepala Heydi Ibrahim. "You Got Me" bercerita tentang pria
yang kecantol seorang wanita karena ketidaksengajaan. Mereka lantas
jatuh cinta karena merasa dapat saling melengkapi.
Selain lirik yang sudah melalui tahap perbaikan dan tambahan, pada
versi sekarang, tidak ada lagi bebunyian instrumen drum. Adapun untuk
lini gitar, tetap menampilkan notasi feel in dan lead seperti aslinya, yang
kini dieksekusi oleh Andien KS.
"Perbedaan "You Got Me dan "Bayang" selain pada lirik juga pada
notasi reff. Persamaannya ada pada basic chord," Anwar Fatahillah
Sang bassis melanjutkan, aransemen yang disuguhkan kali ini juga
sangat akustik dan nuansa blues-nya amat kuat. Lalu, nuansa era '70-an
melekat erat berpadu dengan elemen orkestrasi sehingga menjadi nilai
tambah "You Got Me".
Dari sisi kibor, sound-nya masih berbasis piano - Rhodes dan
Hammond. Namun, timbre (warna sound) nya berbeda jika
dibandingkan dengan versi “Bayang”. Di tangan Wiwiex Soedarno, "You
Got Me" semakin bernyawa.
Menjelang usia Powerslaves yang ke-30 tahun, “You Got Me” dirilis dan
sudah tersedia di seluruh platform musik digital sejak 10 April. (RN)
0859 7691 179 (Business - Indra Budi)
0812 8095 8438 (Media Relations – Riki Noviana)
Indra.nbp@gmail.com / Rikinoviana78@gmail.com
Grup musik Infitar kembali menunjukan eksistensinya di album kedua yang berjudul
"Inhuman" yang akan dimuntahkan pada tanggal 30 April 2021 dalam bentuk fisik
dengan versi pengemasan yang berbeda, terutama pada Kaset yang akan dirilis oleh
Sudden Death Records (INA) dan untuk format CD akan dirilis oleh Lingering
Cadaverine Records (TX).
Album yang berisi 7 buah Track berdurasi 30 menit lebih ini menamplikan komposisi
yang sangat jahat pada riff gitar yang di isi oleh Rsharsh yang memberikan nuansa
kehancuran dan kelam, lalu pada dentuman drum yang dipukul oleh Bob Gulma dengan
berisikan Skank yang tajam, Blastbeat yang berdampingan dengan fill drum, dan segala
pattern drum yang menciptakan nuansa heavy yang dikawinkan dengan instrument bass
menjadi bagan dari lagu itu sangat padat seakan pukulan keras tepat mengenai
gendang telinga, lalu Latif sebagai Vokal yang berteriakan distorsi truth yang padat dan
terdengar tegas dalam penyampaian syair dari isi album tersebut.
Sesi pre-order saat ini sudah mulai dibuka melalui label berikut :
Untuk format CD bisa langsung menghubungi Lingering Cadaverine Records (TX)
Email : cvillal2350@gmail.com
Instagram : @lingeringcadaverinerecords
Facebook : Lingering Cadaverine Records
Bandcamp : lingeringcadaverine.badcamp.com
Untuk format Kaset bisa langsung menghubungi Suddendeath Records (INA)
Email : suddendeathc@gmail.com
Instagram : @suddendeath_records
Facebook : Suddendeath
Bandcamp : suddendeathrecords.badcamp.com
Untuk format kaset versi remastered (US Version) bisa langsung menghubungi The
Haul Of Horror (US)
Email : gregory@haulofhorror.com
Instagram : @thehaulofhorror
Facebook : The Haul Of Horror
Bandcamp : https://infitarusa.bandcamp.com/releases
Power metal revelation Trend Kill Ghosts announces the release of "Phoenix"
Power metal revelation Trend Kill Ghosts announces the release of "Phoenix"
Brazilian power metal band Trend Kill Ghosts is preparing to release the long awaited new album. After months of production and great investment, the paulistas announce the launch of their first single, on June 3rd, which will be accompanied by the video clip recorded at London Studio.
"Phoenix" is the track chosen to start promoting this new work. "This song is one of the parts of the new album in which I tell about a little of what I lived in the midst of Pandemia", says vocalist Diogo Nunes, "I believe that many of us went through this, through anxiety attacks and often perspective of improvement, sometimes even thinking that nothing in our life makes more sense, but that, when we can for a moment see who we are and how far we have come, we know where to draw strength and be reborn stronger and willing to show it to the world , like a Phoenix".
Trend Kill Ghosts posted on the social networks the series 'Studio Report', where it shows the recording of each instrument, production, creative process and comments from the members. Follow each episode on Instagram. This will be the band's second record and will be released next semester.
"Phoenix" pre save is now available, CHECK IT OUT.
Beholder’s Cult: doom metal revelation band launches debut album ‘Our Darkest Home’
Beholder’s Cult: doom metal revelation band launches debut album ‘Our Darkest Home’
Brazilian Doom Metal band Beholder’s Cult releases their debut album ‘Our Darkest Home’. Composed of 9 dense and charged tracks, the album is released independently and will soon have a physical version.
'Our Darkest Home' shares a semi-conceptual theme, which despite not having a clear narrative, the songs and concepts communicate and complement each other throughout the execution. With dense and melancholic sounds, the band follows clear influences of black metal, depressive rock, darkwave and post-punk, deftly leading the slow rhythm of Doom and the incursions by fast passages.
On the theme of the album, the band says: “The almost dreamlike idea of a path between the beginning of life and death or between significant moments in a life, represented by a journey under the sun, which becomes progressively unbearable as you progress , having the night as a point of departure and arrival. We tried to capture in the compositions the concepts of light and shadows, in addition to the weight and motivations of this transition under a burning light”.
Formed in mid-2016, in Brazil by Felipe Stock (Guitar and Vocals), Pedro Paes (Keyboards) and Tama Oliveira (Drums), Beholder's Cult defined their sound within the limits of doom metal, having as their main initial references Lake of Tears and Tiamat. Still in a trio, the band released the first EP ‘Cult of Solitude’ in 2018, which was well received by specialized critics and had all physical copies sold out, available only on digital platforms. This release was a turning point for Beholder’s Cult as a band, motivating them to improve their performance, more live shows and create high quality material and that made Rafael Giraldi get closer to the band, assuming the bass. This formation made several live presentations in several Brazilian states, already being a well-known and respected name.
Throughout 2019, the process of composing the first full lenght began, which included Rafael Giraldi on drums and Luciano Dias on bass. These changes, added to the 2020 pandemic, caused the launch to be postponed. With care and effort, the band finally launches the waiting ‘Our Darkest Home’ and plans a outreach tour as soon as the pandemic is over.