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NOXA GC profile @noxaxGC perfoming @oef_asia 2013 @world_tour_2013

Recognised all over the world for their bloody knuckled brand of caustic crust-influenced grindcore, Jakarta, Indonesia's NOXA released their third-full length in 2011, "Legacy", which shows the band at their absolute peak.
Not bad going for a band who came together to play NASUM and NAPALM DEATH covers, now three albums later this furious four-piece have decimated the stages at OBSCENE EXTREME 2010 in the Czech Republic and TUSKA open air 2008 in Finland with their d-beat assault.
It's hard to think of a better band to bring the hard-working, hard-touring punk rock spirit to OBSCENE EXTREME 2013.
NOXA was formed mid March 2002 by Oxen (drums) and Ade (Guitar). we decided to play Straight Forward old school GrindCore with socio-political, love & hate story, humanity lyrics, etc. from the first we started to cover Nasum (Swe) songs from inhale-exhale album, and of course some of old Napalm Death (UK) songs.
Four of us was Degree from Sahid University in Jakarta-Indonesia. Graduated from the same University. Know each other almost 10 years and always jamming & sessions in some local gigs around the years. Oxen & Ade decided to make a band, the oxen call Tonny (vox) and Dipa (Bass) to joined the band. Oxen, offered to all member to call this quartet NOXA, it means " All things who can be killed and dangerous for your health, body, even your life if you consume it over from the dose" after all the band members agree to use it, so we used NOXA till Now.
After played in some local gigs we wrote our own songs and decided to record our debut album. November 2002, we enter DE Studio Jakarta, Indonesia. Recorded 18 songs with 1 minutes or more durations per songs. We really love to did it. August 22nd 2003, we released our 1st album self title under NOXA RECORDS with our own label. Make this album with our own money, all band members share some money to make this record / album happened. We are so proud & happy when the album done.
2003 We played in International Metal Fest around Singapore & Malaysia also. We've got 5 video clips from our 1st album :
1. The Last Day (Live Footage) Amonra Productions / 2002
2. Ajeng Slaves Sucks (Amonra Music Studio Footage) Amonra Productions / October 2003
3. Terrorist Effect (Planet Music Studio Footage) Ferdi Nitipraja Productions / May 2003
4. Shitty People - Lies (Planet Music Studio Footage) The Lovers / Sept 2003
5. Close Minded (Planet Music Studio Footage) The Lovers / Sept 2003
Early 2004, we recorded our 2nd album, and we recorded @DE Studio for drums tracked only. And recorded guitars, bass, vox tracked at Coliseum Studio Jakarta. Cipta Gunawan Moehammad our 1st engineer & Jorghi Soebagio 2nd engineer helped us for this recording session. Mixed & mastered for the 2nd album at Stonedeaf Studio, New York City - USA. With our best friend Gunawan, he helped us to make this album done for all recording stuff. this album contains 31 songs, 46 minutes. Cool design by Tonny Tandun from T's Toy Company. This album called “Grind Viruses" Robin Oxen made the title for the album.
May 2006, NOXA got offered to play in Fuck The Commerce X Metal Festival 2006 at Luckau in Germany. But it’s so sad that we can’t play there because we didn't get any visa to go there. October 1st 2006, We release our 2nd album title “Grind Viruses " under NOXA RECORDS. 1,000 copies only!!! We tried to mix & improve our music with D-beat style, hope that D-beat Grindcore music has become a mass messages, mass music, mass virus to make the world even, level, and equal in the music industry.
June 28th 2008, NOXA palyed at TUSKA OPEN AIR METAL FESTIVAL, HELSINKI- FINLAND. The event from 27-29 June 2008. Line up at Tuska at that time Slayer, Carcass, Morbid Angel, Kreator, Dimmu Borgir, etc www.tuska-festival.fi, after TUSKA NOXA tour 2 July 2008 at Nightlife Club Helsinki Finland and 3 July 2008 at Hella Club Helsinki Finland with Lie In Ruins, Dauntless and Sightless (finnish band from stay Heavy Record Label). NOXA "Grind Viruses" album now release under label "Stay Heavy Record" Finland.
We had 2 videoclips already from Grind Viruses album :
1. Dying Inside Out / House Of Lamia Productions
2. Sinetron Sucks / Ferdi Nitipradja productions.
January 17 2009 our 1st drummer Robin Oxen died, he’s got an accident, by motorcycle crash. We are so sad. July 2009 Noxa had a new drummer, name is Alvin.
July 15th 2010, NOXA palyed at OBSCENE EXTREME FESTIVAL 2011 (OEF 2011), Trutnov Czech Republic. The event from 15-17 July 2010. Line up at OEF 2010 at that time DRI, Misery Index, Doom, Cripple Bastard, Haemorrhage, General Surgery, Incantation, Cattle Decapitation, etc http://www.obsceneextreme.cz, before OEF 2010 NOXA had tour at Club Fabrika, Ceske Budejovice July 13 2010 and at RC Kain Praha July 14 2010, Czech Republic , with The Arson Project, Krush, Whorsenations and Xaros.
Juli 8th 2011 Noxa Release 3rd Album title "LEGACY" 19 songs. Label “Off The Record” who also re release 1st album and 2nd album on CD. In 3rd Album Legacy Track 1-12 drum by Alvin record at ECE, Studio Jakarta Indonesia in January 2011 Guitar, Bass, Vocal recording at Osiris Studio in Marc 2011. Track 13-19 drum by Robin Hutagaol All music record at Sound Atelje Lohja Finlandia Juli 2008. "Legacy" Album got helped from some musician and friends for lyric on this Album.
1. Track “Permanent Midnight” Lyrics by Jason Netherton - Misery Index. Appears courtesy by Relapse Records.
2. Track “Our Own Worst Enemy” Lyrics by Shance McLachlan – Phobia
3. Track “Grey Nation” Lyrics by Ari Ardana
4. Track “Fight Against Us” Lyrics by Firman M Taher

2003 NOXA 1st Album cassette self title “NOXA” 18 songs
2003 CRUSHING THE BOUNDARIES Cassette Compilation (Molested and Dismembered)- “THE LAST DAY”
2004 METALOBLAST Compilation Cassette 2004 - “MR-RIE-USE”
2005 PSYCHOTHERIUM Compilation (In Our Pain In Our Hate) - “Shitty People”
2006 NOXA 2nd Album CD “Grind Viruses” 31 songs
2010 OBSCENE EXTREME FESTIVAL 2010 – Compilation CD – “Brave On The Desert”
2011 NOXA 3rd Album CD “Legacy” 18 songs
2011 NOXA 2nd Album Re release CD “Grind Viruses”
2011 NOXA 1st Album Re release CD self title “NOXA”

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